When Doubled a Mild Reprimand

Understanding the Phrase “When Doubled, a Mild Reprimand”

Crossword puzzles often feature clever clues that require a bit of lateral thinking to solve. One such clue is “when doubled, a mild reprimand,” which has intrigued many enthusiasts. In this article, we will dissect this clue, understand its meaning, and explore its usage.

The Clue Explained

The answer to the crossword clue “when doubled, a mild reprimand” is “NOW.” When the word “NOW” is doubled, it forms “NOW NOW,” which is a common way to gently admonish someone. This phrase is often used to calm or gently correct someone’s behavior without being too harsh.

Usage in Everyday Language

Common Phrases

  • NOW NOW: This phrase is often used in a mild, soothing manner, typically by parents to children or among friends. It conveys a sense of gentle correction or a reminder to stay calm.
  • Examples in Context:
    • “Now, now, there’s no need to be upset.”
    • “Now, now, let’s not get carried away.”

Other Mild Reprimands

  • Calm Down: A phrase used to help someone relax and not overreact.
  • Easy Does It: A reminder to proceed slowly and carefully.

Psychological Perspective

Using mild reprimands like “now now” can be more effective than harsh words, as they tend to preserve the individual’s self-esteem while still addressing the behavior.

Crossword Puzzle Popularity

Crossword Puzzle Popularity

The Appeal of Clever Clues

Crossword puzzles are beloved for their ability to challenge and entertain. Clues like “when doubled, a mild reprimand” add an extra layer of enjoyment, requiring solvers to think outside the box.

Puzzle Variations

  • Daily Crossword: Found in many newspapers, with difficulty increasing throughout the week.
  • Themed Puzzles: Often feature a unifying theme that ties the clues together.

Crafting the Perfect Clue

Elements of a Good Clue

  • Wit and Wordplay: Clever use of language to mislead and challenge the solver.
  • Conciseness: Effective clues are often brief but packed with meaning.
  • Fairness: While tricky, the clue should be solvable with logical thinking and general knowledge.

Example Clues

  • “Partner of rules, informally” (Answer: “Regs”)
  • “When doubled, very friendly” (Answer: “HiHi”)


The phrase “when doubled, a mild reprimand” exemplifies the ingenuity behind crossword clues. Understanding its meaning and usage not only helps in solving puzzles but also enriches our appreciation of language. Whether you’re a seasoned solver or a casual player, the joy of cracking such clues is a testament to the enduring appeal of crossword puzzles.


What does “when doubled, a mild reprimand” mean?

It refers to the word “NOW,” which when doubled (“NOW NOW”), is used as a gentle admonishment.

How is “NOW NOW” used in conversation?

It’s often used to gently calm someone or to mildly correct their behavior, e.g., “Now, now, let’s stay calm.”

Why are crossword clues like this popular?

Such clues are popular because they challenge the solver’s creativity and lateral thinking, making the puzzle more engaging.

Can you give other examples of mild reprimands?

Yes, phrases like “calm down” and “easy does it” are also mild reprimands used to gently guide behavior.